Long Covid Trends

What makes one person’s immune system recover effectively and another person’s not? The University of Sydney reports as many as one in 20 people will experience symptoms for three months or longer. With over 30 000 cases each week the prevalence of LC will be increasing over time.

The continued ill health or slow recovery from an infection is not a new phenomenon. Patients have been presenting with what is commonly known as post viral syndrome or better known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people suffering from chronic fatigue have been labelled “depressed”. Jessica Bernard, an Associate Professor at the A&M University Texas raises concern about the impacts LC has on the brain and aging. Marked difference was found in patients brain grey matter raising concern. The severity of the infection was not implicated in the loss of brain volume.

According to the MTHFR Support group in Australia, methylation is the key to reducing long COVID (LC). Many nutrients are needed for proper methylation but one of the key ones is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency or insufficiency is common in general practice. It is estimated to be around 1-10% of adults, especially the elderly/vegan or vegetarians have a deficiency. To have normal levels, not only does it require adequate intake, but it also requires normal gastric function for absorption. Patients with type 1 diabetes and thyroid autoimmunity have a higher prevalence for pernicious anaemia leading to reduced uptake. Certain medication such as proton pump inhibitors can also block the uptake in our gut. A new “active B12” measure is now available through your general practitioner if B12 deficiency is suspected. This test is a better predictor of a deficiency.

We have noticed that there is no correlation between patients with comorbidities and lowered immune function. LC seems to appear in all age groups and gender; however, US research does suggest it being more prominent in females. There are no hard and fast rules on how to approach LC other than individualising each case. Fatigue, brain fog and vertigo have been mentioned by many patients. High stress levels before the infection have been suggested as a causal factor. Many cases also present with “dysautonomia” giving the sensation of a racing heart and dizziness. When survivors of the original SARS were interviewed, many reported symptoms three years later especially the fatigue.

Dealing with LC may pose a significant challenge for months or even years to come. Various nutritional and/or herbal formulations are needed with regular follow ups to assess symptoms. Herbs have antiviral as well as anti-inflammatory effects and can restore someone’s innate immunity. Researchers are working continuously to get a better understanding around what is happening with these patients suffering LC. Some posing the question that there seems to be an increased risk of
developing autoimmunity.

I will keep you posted with updated information when it becomes available. There is a Facebook group Australia Long Covid Community which may be of interest.

If you would like to book an appointment to discuss how we can assist then please email us at reception@resolvemyhealth.com.au or call us on 07 5525 2211


Homeopathic considerations for Sleep disorders in Children

Humans spend approximately one-third of their lives sleeping. Without adequate sleep, health can deteriorate. Holistic and Homeopathic consideration aims at finding and targeting the underlying cause.

Sleep requirements change throughout life stages and can vary between children. Restlessness during sleep can also be characteristic of certain remedies. Some people are known to be “night people” and have a preference to stay awake until late. These children may require Sulphur or Medorrhinum. Conventional medical treatment of insomnia in children includes antihistamines.

These medications may be associated with side-effects. Unrefreshed sleep can be one of those issues. However, unrefreshed sleep is also seen in remedies such as Lachesis, Nux-Vomica and Tubercullinum.

Homeopathic remedies may have the ability to modulate melatonin receptors and regulate circadian rhythm abnormalities. Suppression of melatonin occurs when exposed to bright lights, including sunlight. Sleep disturbances can occur when melatonin secretion is not in synchrony with the light-dark cycle.

Magnesium may also be a valuable supplement to consider as it has an influence on regulating the neuroendocrine system. Although the effect of magnesium on neural function is not fully understood, several studies have acknowledged the role of magnesium in the regulation of central nervous system excitability. The role of histamine in the sleep-wake cycles plays an important role in the key regulatory function such as thermoregulation to emotional regulation, learning
and memory.

The remedies most commonly used for sleeplessness in children are:

Cypripedium – These children are nervous and restless at night. Especially indicated during dentition. They want to start playing at night and can also complain of restless legs.

Passiflora – Insomnia of asthmatic children aggravated during dentition. This remedy is an efficient anti-spasmodic. Restless and totally exhausted from overworking.

Zincum Valeriana – Child is sleepless due to pain all over body. History of convulsions. Cramps in the abdomen in the morning on waking.

Santoninum – sleeplessness in children due to worms. Cramps in abdomen. Lots of itching. An important bedwetting remedy. Otherwise, a happy child who likes to dance.

Arundo – Sleeplessness due to allergies – itching in pharynx and sneezing. Grass and Pollen allergies.

Senna – Sleeplessness due to gastric issues. Infant colic/ reflux in babies. Bloated ++ Greenish diarrhoea. Shrieking at night.

Sticta – Sleeplessness due to nasal catarrh – cough – dry – nose obstructions
Also, sleeplessness after surgery.

Melatonin – When the sleep patterns are affected.

Many of these remedies are unknown to mothers and can be very useful during the early years. We recommend Piscidia erythrina for the mothers who have now also got insomnia from the constant worry about their child’s issues. These mothers care too much and end up being in a burnt-out state.

W Boericke (1999), Pocket manual of homeopathic materia medica, 9 th Edition, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Dehli

If you would like to book an appointment to discuss how we can assist then please email us at reception@resolvemyhealth.com.au or call us on 07 5525 2211


Understanding Mould illness

Since the recent flooding mycotoxins are gaining a significant amount of interest. Human evaluation as to what the different mycotoxins do in our bodies is difficult to assess. More than 400 chemically diverse mycotoxins have been identified and can be a public health concern. The way they affect people is highly individualised.

Persons already affected by Mast Cell Activation syndrome (MCAS) could have a stronger response. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is most commonly found on investigations. This toxin can have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and lead to increased inflammation. We ingest OTA through our skin, oral and inhalation route. Some is eliminated through bile, but many people have issues with bile flow and production.

All mycotoxins bind to albumin in the blood and can feely move around our system.Mycophenolic acid (MPA) is a better understood mycotoxin. The liver tries to excrete MPA through a detox pathway called glucuronidation. This pathway can be defective due to genetic SNP’s and needs to be supported. Zearalenone (ZEA) is very commonly found on grains and could upset our hormones as it has an oestrogenic effect. People can also become more reactive to foods when the gut has been exposed to mould.

Aflatoxin found in peanuts can lead to a reduction of the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Suddenly people present with high Secretory IgA. Mould can also affect the brain and Limbic system. This can lead to low cortisol and high adrenalin leading to symptoms such as heart palpitations, anxiety and insulin resistance. A-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Melatonin can be useful here. A collection of mycotoxins from a group called Trichothecenes (TCT) have unique toxic effects on humans even affecting DNA synthesis. TCT producing moulds include Stachybotrus (Black Mould) which is found in damp indoor areas (water damaged buildings).

Human exposure can also come from foods. Grains, nuts and seeds are highest in mycotoxins. The biological activity of TCT is that they can easily pass through our cell membrane and change the cells activity. This can lead to changes in protein synthesis and increased oxidative stress leading to mitochondrial damage. Mould toxicity can present like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, atypical Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and chronic Sinusitis.

For the treatment of Mould Illness different binders are needed to remove the various toxins. Before using a binder, the inflammation must be addressed first. MCAS patients could benefit from eating a low histamine diet. Good nutrition is needed to assist with the substrates for optimal liver detox. Consume at least 12 – 15 portions of plant-based foods in a day. Thiols are especially important, and these are found in onions and garlic.

At Resolve Health, we can refer you for a Mycotoxin panel to assess your body load and determine the best method of treatment. Each case needs to be individualised.


Antai & Petzinger (2006), Immunotoxic activity of Ochratoxin A, J.Vet Pharmacol Therap, 29, 79-90.

F.Fung & R.F. Clark (2004), Health effects of Mycotoxins: a Toxicological Overview, Clinical Toxocology, Vol 42

A.M Ratnaseelam, I Tsilioni et al (2018), Effects of Mycotoxins on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Immune Processes, Clinical Therapeutics, Volume 40, Number 6E. Janik, M Niemcewics et al (2021) T2 Toxin. The most toxic Trichothecene Mycotoxin: Metabolism Toxicity and Decontamination Strategies, Molecules

Posted in:Allergies – HayfeverAllergiesMould

Japanese Encephalitis in QLD

Mosquito-borne Diseases such as Ross River Fever and Dengue fever are well known to most of us. Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) is a very rare mosquito-borne disease normally only seen in far north Queensland. 
JEV is a Flavivirus and the most common cause of viral encephalitis in Asia. The West Nile Virus is also a problem in North America.

Most cases are asymptomatic but symptomatic patients may be treated in hospital. Symptoms are fatigue, polymyalgia and polyarthralgia. Some people have even reported rare neurological symptoms such as paralysis, seizures and psychiatric symptoms. Most infections are seen in children but individuals of any age can be infected. Patients have reported ongoing fatigue which began with the infection, but if there is a lack of immune nutrients to fight the infection, it moves in to an unresolved, chronic phase. Nutrients may not only be deficient in the diet but their uptake may be blocked prolonging the viral illness. Key nutrients linked to the symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain are iron and magnesium. Patients can have many anti-nutrients present such as metals which also block metabolic pathways

The recent wet weather and flooding is to blame for the current spread as very few cases have been reported before. It has been reported in the Torres Strait region and Papua New Guinea. A person can only become infected after a bite from an infected mosquito.
One can test for 13 different viruses which have migrated from birds, and both wild and farm animals as immediate hosts. As well as nutrient deficiencies especially Zinc. A Hair analysis by spectrometry can be suggested.

As there is no treatment other than prevention such as spraying the skin with chemical insect repellents, it is advisable to wear long sleeves, long trousers and avoid being outdoors at dusk or first few hours after sunset.

WHO: Japanese Encephalitis. May 2019
WHO: Estimated Global Incidence of Japanese Encaphalities.
Queensland Health: Health Conditions/Japanese Encephalitis

Posted in:Japanese EncephalitisMosquito born Japanese Encephalitis

Post Covid Syndrome

The prevalence of persistent symptoms after the acute viral illness is speculated to be around 30%. The most common symptoms reported in our clinic are fatigue, headaches, hair loss, memory loss, poor concentration, joint  pain and chest discomfort. By definition, post-viral syndrome is any symptoms remaining for at least 12+ weeks after the acute infection. As life gets ‘back to normal”, we predict evolving symptoms to appear in our patients.

We have been told that the Omicron variant is a milder version, but is it? What we know today is that it’s at least 50% more contagious than the Delta variant, and therefore causes more illness especially in the younger population.

Individuals with low systemic Vitamin D levels may be at higher risk of post COVID-syndrome, but more studies are needed to assess the prevalence of low Vitamin D status in our society. Deficiency in Queensland and Northern Territory are lower than the other South Eastern states, but some people are still affected. A metabolite of Vitamin D is now recommended as an effective supplement, particularly in cases of malabsorption or impaired hepatic (liver) function. However, in cases of intestinal fat malabsorption (post-bariatric surgery) intestinal absorption may be severely impaired.  It’s important to note that high dose Vitamin D supplementation without knowing your blood levels is not recommended. Your general practitioner or our clinic can provide a referral.

There have been suggestions that a portion of long-COVID symptoms may be the result of COVID-19 inflammation-induced Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation. This virus has infected roughly 90 % of the worlds population and is normally inactive in the body. 
Auto antibodies have also been implicated with sequalae involving other infectious agents contributing to many long-COVID symptoms.
Patients suffering from a low cortisol state were also more likely to develop long-COVID syndrome. Uncertainty and stress initially lead to amplified cortisol levels, but over time a reduction is seen. This leads to issues with memory and concentration. We routinely test morning cortisol levels.

Symptoms of EBV reaction such as skin lesions, tinnitus and hearing loss resemble the symptoms experienced by COVID patients. Assessment of the EBV antibody Titers is an option to access the immune dysfunction.

Researchers found that mild cases of COVID, not just severe cases, can lead to long COVID. After infection, some respiratory, cardiac, vascular and renal function impairment is seen and should be screened for in patients with remaining symptoms.

One study found the amount of viral load is associated with a range of long-COVID symptoms. Naturopathically, therapies which target immune dysfunction should be considered.

If you would like to book an appointment to discuss how we can assist then please email us at reception@resolvemyhealth.com.au or call us on 07 5525 2211

Gold J.E, Okyay, R.A., Licht, W.E., & Hurley, D.J. (2021) Investigation of Long COVID Prevalence and it’s Relationship to Epstein-Barr virus Reactivation. Pathogen (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (6), 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10060763
Predicting Long COVID at initial point of COVID-19 diagnosis. Institute for Systems Biology, 21-Jan-2022

Posted in:CoronavirusCovid19Post Covid Syndrome
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