You don’t need Ivermectin, you need individual care (and homeopathy)

Mel Gibson claims that his mates cured their stage 4 cancer with an antihelmintic – to Joe Rogan, of all people. Your auntie allegedly cured her big C with an
anti-parasitic medication. Meanwhile, the owner of the biggest Ivermectin
Telegram channel died in 2023 after years of using the veterinary de-wormer
because his heart had “nearly doubled in size.”

There is also reasonably serious concern about resistance to the drug presenting
in humans (the phenomenon is well-researched in animals) and studies on
Ivermectin-induced gut dysbiosis showed less Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,
Proteobacteria and Tenericutes and more species of the phylum
Verrucomicrobia. In case of overgrowth, the latter has shown weakening the gut
barrier and increasing the risk of inflammation and/or infection.
These days, everyone has a parasite they need to cleanse or a bacteria they need
to detox. Yes, parasites, viruses and bacteria can wreak havoc in the body leading
to various manifestations of inflammation and symptoms of illness. But what
happened to holism? What happened to supporting the body? What happened to
natural therapies?

Why rely on pharmaceuticals again? Why lose our common sense in the face of a
new, exciting and slightly controversial drug?
As practitioners, let us educate our clients and patients to seek individual care,
to focus on prevention and working with the vital force, instead of letting the blinds
lead the blinds with their shiny new trendy medications and their contentious
social media content.

Let us leave Ivermectin to those who need it most – populations at higher risk of
parasitic infections and deadly viruses… as well as horses and cows. Let us strive to
be smarter with our health and refrain from resorting to the next “miracle drug”
(same goes for a certain trendy weight loss drug…).

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